Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My posts for other students

1. My post for Regina on McLuhan's playboy interview: 

Totally agree. The education system needs to be advancing with the rest of the world and that goes for the teachers as well. Technological advances have been such a great asset to the general classroom in not only with online courses but also with research and professionalism. For art schools it is vital that the teachers are in the know about the electronic culture because we are in a time where art has progressed off the canvas and into the media.

2. My post for Kate's Blog "Power to The People":

I love your comment about the pop up ads and would not be surprised if it was in fact an advertising tool for companies that are selling popup blocker products.

Free Music downloads. I've always have had mixed feelings on the topic but bottom line I feel like companies who re struggling with internet users who are getting their music downloads prom pirated internet sites should find a happy medium. Not only offer a free trial with unlimited downloads but on top of that give your users a bonus point system where you get rewarded with free music after spending a certain amount of money. One of my friends was saying that she had recently spent $500 on itunes downloads That is just a little absurd and rediculious. HAPPY MEDIUM!
Reasons why users should not use the pirated internet sites for music downloads are number one, it's not fair to the music artist/ creator who has put their heart and soul into their work just for society to rip them off and number tow, your computer is more likely to get a virus off of one of the downloads.

3. My post for Yardley's McLuhan's Blog:

I thought that his categorization was interesting and fitting for 1964(when Understanding Media was published). It was also a good segway into The Medium is the Massage which I found was more interesting.
One thing that I completely disagreed with was when he was talking about the light bulb concept and his idea that content has little effect on society. Maybe during the 60's it was more accurate but today there's no way that that theory can be true when you see teenagers on the news shooting at their classmates and teachers. Violent media content has to of played a part in those individual minds that think that its ok to take another persons life because they are having a hard time fighting acne and jocks in the high school hallways.

4. My post for Si-One's Gucci Ad Deconstruction Blog:

If you have to ask how much it is you can't afford it or the lifestyle. The story of all high end designers which just makes it all the more fabulous. From a fashion background it's hard to admit but all fashion ads like the Gucci ad sells a lifestyle, You are not only buying a dress, you're buying confidence, beauty, a hot counterpart, and the hollywood lifestyle. It can cause such a negative effect because while it's enticing it's also telling you that you and your lifestyle are not good enough and if you can't afford it you're not worthy.

5. My post for Mike's Deconstruction on the Absolute Vodka Campaign:

Ok, so I love love love the absolute ad with the prego guy in it. The fact that I'm so excited about that ad show's that it's targeting women more so than men and I would be surprised if they were using that ad campaign in women's fashion magazines. Again they are selling not only the product but the fantasy that comes with it.

1 comment:

regina said...

I definitely get what you're saying about art schools in particular being in the know and having access to new ways of doing things in this electronic culture. I was amazed when i first came to Otis(six years ago) that they were yet to be online! You could only get basic information about the school, but that was it and absolutely no student access or resources. They've luckily come a long way since then, but it was so surprising to me that this great and important art school that i was so excited to attend, would be so far behind.